Better, Faster, Stronger, LANDR

We’re happy to announce that our second engine update has just gone live and it’s a BIG one. Based on extensive testing, through valuable feedback from users, we’ve been able to make significant improvements to the frequency ranges that are most prone to problems.
We’ve curbed sibilance and metallic edges in the highs while managing to deepen the low end… a lot.
We’ve achieved a more natural overall warmth… crucially, this is a difference you will hear and FEEL.
Please keep sending us your comments. We value every piece of feedback we get, and want to give you brave early adopters, the best we can, as quickly as possible.
In addition, there were some important fixes made to the website:
New features:
My Account Page w/:
- Change/Reset password support
- Billing/Invoice history
- Current plan status
As well as:
- Hot File Notifications for songs without enough headroom.
- LANDR now supports very large files.
We hope these changes improve your experience using LANDR, and that your tracks sound better than ever!
Here’s to new engines!
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